Radio Newark is funded by people with a love for education and a mind for science. Our shared love of nature, the cosmos, oceans and environment direct our programming choices. We want to further your education and interest and we want to keep our project moving forward.
Please consider giving $1 or $5 or $50 to Radio Newark. One time or monthly. We know you have many other responsibilities. Don't ignore those ever. But if there's room in your budget to give to Science Radio, I promise we will keep bring you news of outer and inner space. Undersea exploration. Nanoengineering. Archaeology. Microelectronics. And astrobiology. It's what we do ... with your help.
Here is our Patreon page. Kindly consider us in your charitible giving.
Thank you so much.
Radio Newark is operated by Newark Community Radio, Inc., a non-profit corporation chartered to provide non-commercial, educational broadcast services. Newark Community Radio is a IRS-registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.